Filed under Safari



Move over pictures of kittens on Facebook, now there’s something more feline I bet this cat could accelerate at 4 times the rate of a human being, obtain speeds of 70-75 mph or 120km/hr, and could retract its claws it it was playing with another cheetah. That is if it were chasing something and not … Continue reading

African safari from December 2013 (part 2)

African safari from December 2013 (part 2)

The sheer numbers of animals in Masai Mara National Park was astonishing.  I could not have expected to see the hundreds of zebra, wildebeest, and other antelope we did.  Also, maybe 40 individual lions in 3 days?  Amazing.  With regard to lions, I was surprised to learn there a ~400 lions remaining in all of … Continue reading

Safari at Masai Mara, Kenya (Full day)

Safari at Masai Mara, Kenya (Full day)

This is my journal entry from December 3, 2013…. An arid landscape full of life.  Maasai wave with big, toothy grins or stick their hands out to beg for shillings. Their cows graze among the cactus and ocotillo like plants I have seen in Mexico. Sausage trees stand leaved, fruiting and their sparse shadows the … Continue reading

The Masai

The Masai

Here are a few images I snapped of Masai people. The “clean” photos of Masai must be paid for on arranged tourist visits. I am not big on cultural performance because it is akin to a human zoo though I understand their want of money for photos. I’ll be posting more safari pictures in the … Continue reading

Lion on a kill (Part 2)

Lion on a kill (Part 2)

I just realized the rest of the pride was not in the first video.  Here is a bit more lion footage… Please see our other safari footage here.  More posts of lions and elephants coming soon!  Please share!