4 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for “liking” my recent post. You appear to embody the spirit that I endeavored to reflect in the post. You seem to be a bit of a “Reluctant Indiana Jones” for lack of a better term. I am inspired by your joie de vivre. I am not as much of an outdoorsman as you but I enjoy traveling and visiting the non-tourist locations of the world and getting to know the people and their culture. Thanks again. Happy travels!



    • Hi Steve, I responded right when this came but it looks like it didn’t take. So take 2….Bwahahahhaha “Reluctant Indian Jones” I love it. Maybe I’ll have to steal that somewhere down the road. Yes it’s so good to get to these places but one thing I really try to acknowledge is that, even though I don’t hand out sweets and other junk to kids, I still have a presence and it resonates after I leave. I can see how some of the kids look i wonder at my skin and smile and wonder what else there is to it. So there is an irony where I love to see these cultures but with each photo I take and each visit I make I take a little bit of it away.

      Safe travels always!


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