Our Tours

Dear esteemed visitor,

It’s nice to have you here.

I want to start by telling you why I have chosen 8 destinations for our tours… it’s quality of assets that they possess.

Borneo for its incredible jungle.  

Thailand for unsurpassed cuisine and vibrant culture.

Brazil because it has something for everyone and there’s this rhythm to life that’s so uptempo and then that beat somewhere off in the distance.

Argentina for Tango, Malbec, and Meat.

Panama for its interface between man and jungle, the Panama Canal.  

Colombia for Salsa dance, Cartagena, and the broad countryside with South Americas most welcoming residents.

Costa Rica for the relaxed atmosphere and incredible cloud forest that have maintained due to their conservation society.

Alas, Alaska because I live here, it’s magnificent mountains, huge expanses, megafauna, Northern Lights, but not January.

I have personally gone to each of the locations and found that the attractions (cultural, nature, or otherwise) are fantastic and there exists means to travel within these countries and see their treasures in a reasonable amount of time (which is not always the case in some places!). The result is my being able to offer you the best exclusive and unique cultural experiences and/or wildlife adventures in our industry.

I invite you to look through our featured tours here on ExploreDreamDiscover Talks or our suggested itineraries on the webpage ExploreDreamDiscover Tours.

Thanks for stopping by and remember to follow us on WordPress, “Like” us, Join My Circles, or Tweet with us if you like what you see here.

14 thoughts on “Our Tours

  1. Pingback: 6 Reasons to travel with ExploreDreamDiscover « ExploreDreamDiscover Talks

  2. Love your stories of everyday life in Alaska. On my bucket list is to spend a full year up there to experience the Northern Lights and the season of daylight and the season of darkness. It’s a magical place. I drove up there from the Okanagan in 1995 and hiked the Chilcout Trail. Have always wanted to go back up.


  3. I strongly recommend you to visit India…

    I’ve been travelling around India for years and this country never fails to amaze me…
    The diversity in this nation has forced me to explore as much of India possible, before I head to other far away lands.


  4. Pingback: Comida Tipica (typical food): Colombia « ExploreDreamDiscover Talks

  5. Pingback: Excellent prices on airfare between Reykjavik, Iceland and Anchorage, Alaska this Summer 2013 « ExploreDreamDiscover Talks

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